
Reflections of the mind what we can’t see

Reflections of the heart what we can’t hear

Reflections in the glass what we don’t like

Reflecting on the past which we can’t change

Reflections of the mind that we can see

Reflections of the heart that we can hear

Reflections in the glass that we’ve grown to love

Reflecting on the past we couldn’t change

Reflections of the mind are sound so you see

Reflections of the heart are sought so you hear

Reflections in the glass always knew love

Reflecting on the past that made the change

Reflections of the mind made

Reflections of the heart love

Reflections in the glass

Reflecting on the past changed the story of the present!

About cocoafantasyb

I am a young aspiring poet/writer who enjoys reading and writing. I would like to be able to share my work with the world one day and to be noticed for the things that I have to say. I would like to inspire and and become inspired by others. I am determined and I will not let up on my dream. Feel free to read my writings to get a insight of me, CocoaFantasyB.
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